If you fall and suffer a head trauma in a New York store or restaurant, there are a number of reasons for concern. First and foremost, you should know that falls are the most common cause of a traumatic brain injury, according to the Mayo Clinic. Therefore, there is no need to feel hesitant about seeking the attention of the establishment owner, and you should definitely not hesitate to seek medical attention.
Every TBI causes brain damage, whether it is classified as mild, moderate or severe. Not only that, a “mild” brain injury can lead to a more severe and even life-threatening secondary brain injury. A blow to the head can rupture small blood vessels within the skull which leak slowly, building up pressure against the brain over several days. If the bleeding does not stop, the outcome could be serious. If the blood clots as it should, but the clot does not dissolve, it could dislodge and block blood flow to the brain, causing a stroke.
Signs of a “mild” TBI include losing consciousness or feeling disoriented, having a headache that gets worse with time, vomiting, losing balance, feeling drowsy or fatigued, becoming sensitive to sounds or lights and having sleep issues. You may have trouble concentrating, and you may suffer mood swings and develop anxiety or depression.
If your TBI is moderate to severe, you may suffer one or many of these symptoms:
- Unconsciousness
- Seizures
- Dilated pupils
- Repeated vomiting
- Profound confusion
- Slurred speech
Some of the symptoms may become permanent, such as the development of seizures, severe headaches or vertigo. A TBI could also lead to altered consciousness, such as a vegetative state or a coma.
This general information is provided for educational purposes and does not constitute medical or legal advice.